– Filter set for EGFP / FITC / Cy2 / AlexaFluor488
– Chroma Filter Model No. : 39002

JNO-B(B) Spectrum

JNO-B(B) Spectrum Chart
JNO-B(B) Spectrum Chart

주요 형광 색소(Fluorochromes)와 스펙트럼 비교


FITC VS JNO-B(B) spectrum chart
FITC VS JNO-B(B) spectrum chart


JNO-B(B) VS GFP spectrum chart
JNO-B(B) VS GFP spectrum chart

 * AlexaFluor488 VS JNO-B(B)

JNO-B(B) VS AlexaFluor 488
JNO-B(B) VS AlexaFluor 488

JNO-B(B)필터를 이용한 Sample Image 촬영

Fluorescence image taken using JNO-B(B)
Sample : bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell, BPAEC Filter Set : JNO-B(B) Camera : AcquCAM 23GR2 C-mount adapter : 1X Lens : PlanApo60xWLSM
Fluorescence image taken using JNO-B(B)
Sample : bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell, BPAEC Filter Set : JNO-B(B) Camera : AcquCAM 3G C-mount adapter : 1X Lens : PlanApo60xWLSM
Fluorescence image taken using JNO-B(B)
Sample : bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell, BPAEC Filter Set : JNO-B(B) Camera : AcquCAM 5G C-mount adapter : 1X Lens : UPLNAPO40X

JNO-B(B)필터에 적합한 형광색소

  • Acridine Orange + DNA
  • Alexa Fluor 488™
  • Atto 488
  • Azami Green
  • BODIPY FL/pH7.2
  • Calcein
  • Calcium Green™-1
  • Cy2™
  • DiO
  • DyLight 488
  • EGFP
  • Emerald GFP
  • FAM
  • FITC
  • Fluo-4
  • GFP
  • LysoTracker Green/pH 5.2
  • MitoTracker Green FM/MeOH
  • mWasabi
  • Oregon Green™ 488
  • SYBR® Green I
  • SYTO 9/DNA
  • ZsGreen1

JNO-B(B) Spec

  • Typical Application(s) : Widefield Microscopy
  • Coating : Sputter/Hard Coated
  • Round excitation and emission filters mounted in anodized aluminum rings 2.3mm thick, up to 25mm in diameter (for standard sizes)
  • Rectangular dichroics up to 26x38mm, 1mm thick, to fit standard microscope manufacturer filter cubes (for standard sizes)

*** For filters larger than 25mm and dichroics larger than 26x38mm, please contact us for pricing. ( Tel. 02-3473-4188)